Our Story
The opening of Carolee’s in Norcross is a dream come true. It’s been a part of me for a really long time, so to see it come to fruition is pretty amazing and sometimes still surreal. The “getting here” has been a journey, filled with many twists and turns, the encouragement and support of my family and dear friends, and ultimately a huge leap of faith. I feel blessed beyond measure and it’s my daily prayer that God will use me and my sweet little shop for His Glory and His honor.
The shop I’ve envisioned is one that you love to visit, knowing that it offers a great selection of gifts, on-trend apparel and home & seasonal décor. It’s your “go to” place for the perfect gift, no matter the occasion. A shop where the owner and “shop girls” know you and your taste. A shop that you can call to talk about a gift you need, decide on the right thing over the phone, then stop into pick it up after it has been monogrammed and wrapped for you. A shop that shares my faith through items we offer, but more-so through its "vibe" and atmosphere.
I know it’s just a shop, but my hope is that it can be a bright spot in someone’s day, an environment of encouragement, warm and friendly, beautiful, and “fun.” My goal is to fill it with things that make you, or a gift recipient, feel these things.
Thank you for your interest in Carolee’s and my story,